Birthdays: 4. Lessons: Lots.

Rubber Ducky Copywriter is now four years old. It’s a little mind blowing for two reasons. One that I’ve kept up with it for four years, and two that you kind, wonderful people visit. That second reason is the most important. Thank you for every visit, every ‘Like,’ every comment—everything. Even those of you who … Continue reading Birthdays: 4. Lessons: Lots.

Holy crap, it’s been three years already?

Rubber Ducky Copywriter turns 3

As of June 1, Rubber Ducky Copywriter is three years old. I was planning on a big party during which my rubber ducks and I celebrate with cupcakes and champagne, but that has to wait; I have to go to a funeral instead. But this may be the longest I’ve ever stuck with one project. … Continue reading Holy crap, it’s been three years already?