Holy crap, it’s been three years already?

Rubber Ducky Copywriter turns 3

LOLcat birthdayAs of June 1, Rubber Ducky Copywriter is three years old. I was planning on a big party during which my rubber ducks and I celebrate with cupcakes and champagne, but that has to wait; I have to go to a funeral instead.

But this may be the longest I’ve ever stuck with one project. I’m pretty proud.

Over these three years, I’ve learned more than I did over the first year (math is finally working in my favor). Here’s where I impart questionable wisdom and so-so insights for those of you who blog or who’re still thinking about it…

Your blog will suck sometimes — and that’s okay.

Unless you’re a blog-posting machine, there will be times when you go a few weeks without posting anything. There are ways to get around this: guest bloggers, blogging calendar, binge-writing and so on. But you’re still human. Chances are you will lapse.

Of course, if you let it go too long, you’ll have to rebuild your readership and traffic to a certain degree. But it’s still not the end of the world.

Your post will nail it sometimes — enjoy it.

Once in a while you’ll post something that strikes a cord. Sparks some conversation. Helps someone, even. It may follow a dud, it may be followed by a dud. But sometimes you post just right thing at the right time.

Hold on to that feeling. It’ll help you keep going when you post one of those sucky duds.

You get what you give — eventually, maybe.

I take a pretty relaxed approach to posting on my blog. Other bloggers like Carol Tice and Kristen Lamb put a crap-ton more effort into their blogs, and it shows because they have larger readerships and professional insight.

Blogging isn’t easy and there are no guarantees. But it can be rewarding if you put in the work and are willing to learn.

Your reason for writing — remember it.

Some people build their blogs to make money. They put a lot of work into it and it pays off. Others, like me, blog to sharpen our skills, exercise our brains and connect with others.

Whatever your reason, keep it in mind when you can’t crank out another word to save a burning orphanage.

Above all, be authentic.

I think this is where a lot of people get lost. When I first started, this was certainly my wrong turn at Albuquerque. I started out trying to sound like I knew what I was doing when in reality, I didn’t have a clue. I was also afraid of putting myself out there.

I’ve been doing this for three years now. I’m in no way a guru. My stats still impress no one but me. And I still get followers who only want to sell me knock-off designer purses and mail-order companions for a bargain-basement price.

But  Rubber Ducky Copywriter is where I found my voice as a writer. It’s my online home. And it’s helped me sharpen my skills and learn how to edit much more ruthlessly.

Keep at it long enough, take your lumps, post your duds…and you’ll find your voice, too. That’s when people will start responding.

So, with all of that said, I’m going to ask all of you out there…what is your reason for blogging? What is your reason for not?

8 thoughts on “Holy crap, it’s been three years already?

  1. Hooray for not even answering the question! LOL I blog because I want to connect with others as well and show my ability to write blogs for companies.

  2. Happy blog-aversary! (I think I have that spelled wrong.) It’s been awesome following you and getting to know you. I love your writing style.

  3. I started writing a blog because I read it was the “it” of serious writers. I wanted others to take me seriously. I hated it. I swore off writing for awhile. I rediscovered jewelry design, and hand-crafting the pieces.

    Then I realized that I still write endlessly: advice in forums about business, one-line pithy comments, chapters of the current novel, an occasional paid project, and even sharing recipes. I’ve been writing SOMETHING every day since I was a teen sprawled on my bed with pen and paper (I’m 58 now). Apparently, I write because I must. I’ve returned to my blog, and promised myself that it would be about what I really want to write about, not “for serious.”

    (Sorry to hear about the funeral. Write me if you need a shoulder. I’ll give you a virtual tissue, and listen until you’re okay again.)

    1. I’m glad to hear you arrived at what I think is the best reason to start a blog: to give your voice a home. It sucks when you’re writing what you think you should be writing instead of what you actually need to write. Writing when you’re driven from that need inside of you…that’s one of the best things ever.

      (And thanks.)

  4. Thanks for this! I’ve been considering blogging for years, as an outlet for thought and community builder like herself. I had to reset my password to WordPress its been so long since I’ve done anything about it though. Fear, fear of saying something wrong, being too much, making people uncomfortable, has kept my typing quiet. May be time to try again…

    1. You’re welcome. And if you want to give another go, go for it. It’s your blog, not Fear’s blog. And if it helps, hardly anyone will read your posts in the beginning so feel free to enjoy the anonymity and say as much stupid stuff as you want. 🙂

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